

12/01/2015 03:05:00 PM

Up-selling is the technique of selling, the customers with more expensive and profitable side courses through suggestions using convincing skills. Prioritizing the up-selling of appetizers and desserts, the restaurants can definitely see an increase in the revenue as it is a per-table revenue elevation and is profitable to both the restaurateurs and the employees. Here are a few techniques which might help in up-selling the appetizers and desserts as they are the important income raisers for the food business.


Knowing the customer is mandatory to succeed in up-selling. Up-selling should neither seem like forcing the customers to try a drink, nor annoying them when they are not ready to hear. The waiter should know the customer's mood and approach for suggestions only when they ask for opinions.
The waiter should know the right time and right person or table to which they can sell more. People who gather in the restaurants for professional meetings, late evening and night time parties and celebrating occasions apparently order for more appetizers and desserts.
More chances are there when suggested with appetizers for customers who seem to be hungry and others who seem to be irresolute in choosing may certainly end up ordering them.
Bestowed desserts and appetizers on the customers during birthday and anniversary parties are a good way to make customers order for it when they come the next time.
The customers can be interrogated to understand their preferences and suggested accordingly. Remember the choice preferences of you regular customers and suggest them with new entries and what they have not tried earlier.


Anyone can take the orders, but it requires skill to do up-selling. The staff should be trained to read the customer's mind for selling more. They should be given perfect insights of up-selling and trained all the techniques to do so. Let  the staff taste every food item and have a thorough knowledge of everything on the menu so that they can sell it to the customers through descriptions of their own experience regarding the taste of the food. Train them to be specific in up-selling i.e. describing the particular appetizer's specialty rather than generally asking the customer whether he/she prefers an appetizer or a desserts before or after the meal. Instruct them to up-sell high profitable items instead of low cost items.


Patrons would like to hear more suggestions when they are approached by a waiter/waitress with the following traits:
  • Who greets the patrons with a radiant smile.
  • Good and positive attitude
  • Properly uniformed
  • Friendly approach 
  • Enthusiastic and confident about what they suggest.
  • Who handles the customer with care
  • Who respects people's personal choice and suggest accordingly and whose suggestions are convincing and interesting.


Appetizers and desserts take the default first and last places respectively in the menu. They usually go unnoticed when viewed using paper menus as people always concentrate on the main dishes and the staff have to make extra efforts in up-selling. Since up-selling them has a positive effect on the revenue, extra care has to be taken in that area. Instead of making time in training the staff, using technology, which serves this purpose in a very productive manner can be the wisest choice. The technology, which I am talking about is electronic menu. Enticing the diners with attractive photos and tempting descriptions is a  proven technique for up-selling appetizers and desserts. Drawing the patron's interest and educating them about the items through HD images and exclusive descriptions makes up-selling much easier. The waiters, no longer need to make much effort in suggestive selling as the appetizers and desserts take the same importance the main course has on the menu and more chances are there that the people will buy them without a second thought. 

Why not try buying an electronic menu which increases your profit through helping you in up-selling the special items, appetizers and desserts. Click in to thetouchmenu.com to immediately call for a free demo and increase your bottom line.

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