11/24/2015 10:00:00 AM

The menu falls to be solely the main entity in every restaurant, which is not just a listing of dishes, but more involving psychological techniques for alluring patrons and designing it is not a simple process. This article concentrates on various psychologies followed in shaping a menu into a better form.


Choice overload is a problem that is faced at times of making decisions. When people are given little choices there will be less satisfaction. When given more choices, it increases the pressure of choosing and results in worst decisions. In Sheena Iyengar's Ted talk on "The art of choosing" she talks about the effects of choice overload and four techniques to overcome them. She says, "when people are offered with more choices:

  • They are more likely to delay choosing.
  • They are more likely to make worse choices.
  • They are more likely to choose things that make them less satisfied.
She also emphasizes on 4 simple techniques to deal with choice overload

  • CUT: Taking away the unwanted options and presenting only the essential.
  • CONCRETIZE: Making the choice real, presenting in a very concrete way to understand the difference between choices.
  • CATEGORIZATION: Handling more categories and less choices in each category.
  • CONDITION FOR COMPLEXITY: People who go from low choice to high choice finds it easy to choose.
Following these techniques and giving people only the optimum number makes choosing easy.


Decoy pricing is a trick used in business to free people from confusions in choosing a particular item. It is a marketing technique where one product is used to increase the sales of other product using comparatives. It can be made through either adding an inferior product which is equally priced with other products or highly priced decoy product similar in features to the less priced with only few additional features. In restaurants the trick is followed by adding a very highly priced item among the list. When compared with the decoy item the patrons find the other items to be fairly priced and agreeable and end up ordering them.


Anything that attracts people is the way it is presented. Menu design and layout is found to be the essential being of alluring patrons to buy more. Emphasis is put on making the color, theme and text, inviting and presenting the items with tempting photos to make the menu more appealing.
To make certain high profitable and special items seek attention, bolding the names, placing them inside shaded, dotted lined boxes and decorative frames, pointing arrows towards them and blank space around the items are followed.


Striking description and label is added which by itself arouses the desire to taste the item lets people conform to the fact that the food is appealing and tastier. It is true that most people choose to order an item based on its description and label. Items with persuasive descriptions when compared to the items without any descriptions are found to be sold more.
The description can be based on the ingredients or the method of cooking or the aroma and taste of the food, making it not too long and using felicitous words like "Bite-sized, Boneless, chewy, crispy, delicate, Scrumptious, Spicy and Lavishly etc."
Let's see an example:
"Tender artichoke hearts sumptuously melded between spinach and five Italian cheeses. Served freshly out from the oven, with crispy tortilla chips"
Isn't that stimulating the appetite!


The way the price of each food is indicated also influences people's choice of selection. Adding currency sign in front of every item's price lets people be concerned about spending more and pushes them to make orders based only on the cost rather than the appealing factor.
So today currency signs are avoided while displaying cost in the menu and using numbers like .55 instead of .59 or .00 is found to be friendly and engaging. These psychological techniques used inside menu designing prevents the patrons from making choices solely based on the cost.


Every patrons loves it when the restaurant atmosphere is pleasing and likable. They expect the place to be attractively decorated and surrounded by good willed and attentive waiters/waitress. Music has a great effect on the customer's time at the table. The music can be of any kind; Slow tempo, long tempo, pop or classical. Many researches on the musical effect in restaurants show that customers like to spend more time in dining when a slow tempo music is played compared with other types though the differences may not be significant.


Some establishments attract patrons through traditional dishes and names like homemade and grandma's special, bringing the past times in mind and bring about he cherished memories, making them feel nostalgic and giving them opportunities to spend more on those items.

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